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2017 年157

封面故事 Cover Story

Golden Eagle M870 with Easter

金鷹(Golden Eagle)公司之前以生產高品質電動步槍為主,這次決定將產品線跨足到氣動霰彈槍系列,無非是因為氣動霰彈槍不論是在生存遊戲或射擊比賽中,都越來越受到槍迷們的喜愛,而M870正是紅透半天的槍型,於是金鷹公司經過評估後,決定推出符合實戰需求的M870的氣動霰彈槍系列…
Golden Eagle was famous for its high quality AEG in the past. The reason why they’ve decided to step into GBB air shotgun market is that they have found out that GBB air shotgun is getting more popular in survival game or shooting competition. In this case, Golden Eagle decided to launch the most popular GBB air shot gun series-the M870 series….  





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當期目錄 新槍報到 軍事展覽 日本軍力 生存遊戲 廠商介紹

    封面故事 Cover Story
    戰鬥勇士霰彈槍Golden Eagle M870 with Easter
    新槍報到 New Gun Impression
    極限幻影步槍 APS Phantom Extremis PER Mk-V
    施梅瑟屠夫之刀 Umarex/WG MP40 CO2 GBB
    奧地利神兵狙擊槍 Novritsch SSG24 Sniper Rifle
    圓桌武士展雄風Air Arms Galahad
    實銃報到 Real Gun Impression
    新博研防衛鬥士 MSB XP3 Shotgun
    嚴選裝備 Parts and Accessary
    鐵甲武士衝鋒槍 QRF Full Steel Kit for KWA M11A1
    老槍抱報 Classic Toy Gun Impression
    貝加爾暴風 Baikal MP-654K 4.5mm Air Gun
    軍事展覽 Military Exhibition
    2018年泰國防衛與安全展Defense and Security Exhibition 2018
    日本軍力 JSDF Strength
    2017年富士火力綜合演習JGSDF Fuji Firepower Demonstration 2017
    生存遊戲 Survival Game
    南堤東擊行動Operation Southern Dam Eastern Attack
    軍事模型Military Scale Model
    第二屆Freedom盃國際模型公開賽 The 2nd Freedom Cup International Model Competition
    國軍戰力 ROC Armed Forces
    憲兵205指揮部訓練成果展示 Military Police Training Result Demonstration
    廠商介紹  Manufacturer Introduction
    廣東新博研機械製造公司專訪Special Coverage of MSB in Guangdong

    APS Phantom Extremis PER Mk V


    APS自推出了幽靈終極AEG步槍系列(Phantom Extremis)備受好評,現已推出第五代PER Mk V,不但繼承了前輩所擁有的先進功能,還特地加上了音效放大防火帽、快速更換彈簧系統、M-Lok護木和靈巧的雙邊火控選擇,準備吸引更多槍迷成為幽靈終極步槍的粉絲…
    APS Phantom Extremis Rifle series has upgrade to Mk V. This new generation rifle has not only the advantages of its predecessor, but also has Sound Blaster muzzle brake, quick-change spring, M-Lok hand guard and fire control system, which ready to attract more people to become the fans of Phantom Extremis Rifle series….

    Umarex/WG MP40 CO2 GBB

    MP40 SMG is a simple、sturdy and durable infantry weapon. There’re many toy gun and air gun based on MP40 in the market now, but there’s always lacking of a product which is very similar to real MP40 on fidelity and operability. After evaluated the whole market, Umerax decided to make a MP40 with full-metal and uses CO2 as power source, to fulfill gun lovers’ dream….

    Novritsch SSG24 Sniper Rifle

    ovritsch SSG24 Sniper Rifle
    源自台灣摩帝企業(Modify)的SSG24狙擊槍,是由前奧地利陸軍狙擊手Abhishek Christopher匯集了他的豐富經驗,透過Novritsch公司交由Modify所開發的一款手拉式狙擊槍,這把擁有神槍手加持過的精準狙擊槍,是喜愛狙擊槍的玩家們絕對不能錯過的好槍…
    The Novritsch SSG24 was developed by formal Austrian sniper Abhishek Christopher. He used his previous experience and the professional skill from Modify, together they’ve created this extraordinary sniper rifle….

    Air Arms Galahad


    這把以圓桌武士格拉海德(Galahad)為名的氣動步槍,是Air Arms為解決傳統氣槍重心較難掌握的缺點而設計的中握式步槍,槍枝重心移至握把後方,並採用中置式上膛系統,讓射手只需輕鬆地使用左或右手操作,無需移動身體便可輕鬆完成上膛和射擊,是一支兼顧強度和精度功能的新型氣動步槍…
    Named after the famous round table knight, Galahad is the solution of British Air Arms toward traditional air gun. It has new chambering system, which moves the center of gravity toward the back of grip. You may load and fire the gun without moving your body. It’s a fine piece of works that combines accuracy and fire power….

    嚴選裝備 Parts and Accessary

    QRF Full Steel Kit for KWA M11A1

    The sales record of M11A1 SMG in real gun market is excellent. With unique styling and high rate of fire, it was frequently being adopted as the leading actor’s personal gun. In this case, M11A1 has also inspired the toy gun industry to produce many kind of different airsoft gun, and has been popular for more then 30 years. Unfortunately, almost every M11A1 airsoft gun was made of plastic due to cost concern. Now, QRF from Hong Kong has finally released the full steel kit for M11A1, which will certainly satisfy the expectation of gun lovers…. 
    M1911A1 is exactly the perfect pistol for your good taste….

    老槍抱報 Classic Toy Gun Impression

    Baikal MP-654K 4.5mm Air Gun

    成立於1942年的伊勒伐斯基兵工廠(Izhevsky Mekhanichesky Zavod,簡稱: IMZ),在前蘇聯解體後便改為生產運動和狩獵用槍,並以Baikal為商標行銷世界,本篇所將介紹的便是IMZ以馬卡洛夫(Makarov)實銃,改裝成使用CO2動力發射.177cal(4.5mm)口徑鉛彈的MP-645K硬式氣槍….
    Izhevsky Mekhanichesky Zavod,aka. IMZ, was founded in 1942. After disintegration of Soviet Union, IMZ has changed to produced sports and hunting gun, and uses Baikal as the name to sell around the world. We’d like to report the IMZ Baikal MP-645K which is based on Makarov that uses CO2 as power and fire 4.5mm caliber bullet….

    Defense and Security Exhibition 2017

    After adding security exhibits in 2003, the Bangkok D&S has become a more and more important defense exhibition in Asia. There’re more than 40 countries from Europe, Asia and Africa participated the 2017 Defense & Security Exhibition. CKM was again play the role as one of the D&S official magazines….




    JGSDF Fuji Firepower Demonstration 2017

    The JGSDF Fuji Fire Demonstration 2017 was held on Aug. 27. There’re 2,500 soldiers, 90 tanks, armored car and various artillery participated the exercise. Due to the military crises around Japan has risen lately, therefore attracted more than 24,000 civilian to the exercise. Our beautiful Japan correspondent Itsuya has the story….



    Operation Southern Dam Eastern Attack

    香港生存遊戲黃金年代從1980~2008年,這期間造就了不少生存遊戲及玩具槍產業興起,但之後生存遊戲變得有點停滯不前,連帶香港的生存遊戲行業漸趨平淡,所幸近年香港的生存遊戲團體,舉辦了稱為軍事模擬(Military Simulation,簡稱MilSim)模式的生存遊戲,這種與軍事演習相近,講求玩家自身紀律、團隊合作和融入劇情內容的任務,便促成了〝南堤東擊行動〞的源由….
    The prime time of Survival Games in Hong Kong was from 1980 to 2008, which has made lots of toy gun industries became booming. But after that, the development was going down. Thanks to survival game players’ effort, held the Military Simulation Mood of survival game, which require discipline and teamwork, and that’s the real spirit of Operation Southern Dam Eastern Attack….




    Special Coverage of MSB in Guangdong


    Located at Zhongshan City, Guangdong, MSB is a real gun and air gun manufacturer in China which is booming recently. It has not only the production permit of real gun and air gun, but also has independent intellectual property rights, which may provide the customer from developing to manufacturing service. This makes it the superior of others…. 





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